Temp: 97.05
Honestly I am not feeling it this month. I've already cried a few times. I am feeling disheartened by the whole thing.
I really just want to give up.
I am starting to feel like if this cycle isn't it then I am done. No more temping/tracking. No more trying. Just not going to use any birth control.
Part of me wants to keep temping a few cycle but part of me is just so over this process.
I haven't seen many friends announce pregnancies the last few days but here come the every facebook status is about their pregnancy part. It's hard to see. Especially having decided recently that facebook is not the place for status updates on my uterus and I will not be talking about it there next time. People who need to know will get a phone call or an email from me.
Sigh. Just feeling sad for me, and all my friends trying with me. I just want this to be the month all of us get pregnant!
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