Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CD 33 - 6 DPO

Temp this morning was 97.58.

Symptoms: Skin break out, sore nipples, heartburn, and lower back ache. Felt some weird cervical twinges last night and then started cramping but the cramping didn't last long and is gone now. All of these are still AF signs for me and last night I was craving chocolate.

My dad sent me chocolate covered almonds for Christmas but I don't like almonds so I was kind of like thanks... but he told me to try them because they are the best thing ever and sure enough, they taste like solid hot chocolate with some crunch in the middle! I am not a big chocolate lover so I can't handle more then 5 or 6 at a time, but they are very very good. Even my husband likes them and he doesn't like chocolate or nuts (are we not made for each other or what? Well except he prefers ice cream and I can't tolerate real ice cream lol).

I took a smaller screen shot today because the pictures were getting too big for my blog and when I resize them they come out blurry (you might have noticed that on yesterday's post).

I just took it from when I started temping. You can refer back to the other charts if you feel like you need another reminder at how freaking long my bleeding was!

Still definitely thinking I ovulated. Even though today's temp is .02 less then yesterdays it's still higher then my highest LP temp (I don't count the ones during AF because they fluctuate with the progesterone levels going down). And really, .02 is not a huge difference from yesterday either. Appears most all my 2/1ww temps are hovering around the same.

I'd still love a nice temp rise though body! Because a little egg is snuggling in, not because you want to be an ass and get my hopes up!!

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