Temp: 97.54
Tons and tons of CM pouring out of me.
Mild nausea.
As you can see I caved and tested. Because yay late, no spotting! So my temp dropped, dropped the day I got a BFP with the twins! So why not?!
BFN. Clearly, 100%, not so much as an evap or indent. BFuckingN.
The cramps have picked up, like I said still no spotting, even after some vigorous sex.
I am just feeling very out right now. DH is feeling very negative about this. Says he can't take seeing me break down like this every month and he's thinking he wants to be done. We talked a little about it but nothing decided yet. I might push through until our 1 year mark and if we're still not pregnant then just stop charting and stop thinking about it.
I hate this.
Expecting AF tonight.
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