Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Monday, January 28, 2013

CD 8

Temp: 96.77

As you can see, no more AF! If my AF can stay like this (ok maybe get a LITTLE lighter) I would be very happy!

I did record creamy today. I have been having a lot of CM but it doesn't feel sticky to me. It feels wet and creamy, so that's what I am putting. I might be way off, but I'm trying.

Fighting the urge to start peeing on some OPKs but I am not buying any more for this cycle so the ones I have are the ones I have and if I start testing too early I will run out before I even O. 

I am really really hoping this is it. Baby fever has been bad and I am just so ready to see those 2 pink lines on an HPT!!!

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