Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Friday, March 29, 2013

CD 35 - Teased

About a week ago I decided to POAS late at night. I'd been feeling pregnant despite wonky temps but I didn't honestly expect to get a line.

Except I did. Very faint, but both DH and I could see a line within the 5 minute mark. I took a picture around the 10 minute mark and sent it to 2 friends, who also saw a line.

I opened it up and there was no indent line. I thought this might finally be it.

But the next few days all other tests were negative. I expected the worst, another miscarriage, and yet here I am, a week later with no spotting or bleeding or anything.

I really thought that the girls saying they were getting lines without indents were just looking at the tests too long out of the time window. But no, FRER is indeed throwing out false positives.

Here is a picture of the test today to show you how dark the second line was:

So it was super disappointing that we got fooled, but at the same time I am glad it was not another loss.

We have decided NOT to take a break, but to keep trying.

We're moving this weekend and we haven't decided when we want to set up the new internet so who knows when you will see me next.

My 1 year mark is April 8th and it is beyond annoying that I probably won't even be on my 12th cycle by the time my 12th month of TTC completes. Most women get more chances to try because they have short or regular cycles. Having long cycles and TTC the same amount of time but with less tries to get pregnant is beyond aggravating.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

CD 22 - A Break

Oh boy. The last few days. Let me tell you.

DH came to me and told me after this cycle he no longer wanted to continue TTC.

At first I was so angry. This completely blindsided me and I did not know where it was coming from.

When I finally calmed down and we talked about it he explained he wanted to wait until we were done moving and settled in and knew how much his raise he just got was (we find out Thursday, they won't tell them ahead of time because they don't want people comparing raises).

We decided to for sure take next cycle off.

Even though I am only 11 cycles in, thanks to long cycles I am about to hit my 1 year mark off TTC. 12 months, 11 cycles, 1 miscarriage.

Really really shitty numbers.

And as much as I hate to admit defeat and stop trying, I think we do need a break. My mom is coming out to give us a little break to be a couple and go do fun stuff while we have a baby sitter.

While there is still a chance I am could be pregnant (I think I am in the 2ww now based on CM but I haven't been temping) I am not holding my breath. I full expect to hit the one year mark of TTC not even pregnant.

So that's what is going on right now.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

CD 11

Temp: 97.8

Bummed out today. This time last year I was miscarrying. DH had been so excited about the baby, probably the most excited he's ever been, and he'd told everyone at work. And here we are, still not pregnant. A month away from the 1 year TTC mark.

I asked DH tonight if he thought we'd get pregnant this month and he was quiet for a moment and then was like, "Honestly... no. I don't want to be negative, just going off of history. We haven't gotten pregnant yet so why would we get pregnant this month?"

He finally agrees something has to be wrong. He keeps insisting it could still be something wrong with him too, not just me. I don't believe that. I think it's me. But still makes me sad to see even DH has given up hope.

Monday, March 4, 2013

CD 10


And if you don't want to watch the VLOG, the just of it is I will start temping tomorrow.

If I O the same day as last cycle I will be due the day after the twins' 2nd birthday, and when I was pregnant with them I was due the day after DS#1's 2nd birthday. So it would be a funny coincidence if I got pregnant, not that I think I will get pregnant.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

CD 1 - AF

I checked at 11pm last night and it was still just spotting so at least she held off until today to give me an estimate LP of 9 days. Once more, not 100% sure on when I O'd because I did not take my temp.

So I will be temping this cycle after AF but no OPKs.

I think this AF has been a little easier emotionally. I did have a break down but at the same time I was really not expecting to get pregnant. I AM really not expecting to get pregnant, ever. But at the same time I was so sure I wasn't pregnant the cycle with the twins, so I guess I thought well I am so sure I am not pregnant again so I probably will be. I had some promising symptoms but it turned out to be nothing clearly.

So here we are. 11 months. 1 cycle away from my one year mark.

As if that doesn't make me feel bad enough DH's reaction was the worst yet. He had been so sure this would be our month and he didn't believe me at first when I said I wasn't pregnant until I explained I was bleeding. As it sunk in he was just so upset and then he started in with it's probably him, not me, and I tried to explain to him that I am really starting to believe there is scar tissue from the c-section.

We've always had to worry about miscarriages but now to be having trouble even getting pregnant.... I just really can't see it being anything other then the c-section. I know I need to lose weight but I am really not that much over where I was when I conceived the twins so I don't think it's that either, and I appear to be ovulating. IDK. I guess we'll just keep trying and if we are still not pregnant by 2 years post c-section I will go see a Dr about possible scarring issues.

Friday, February 22, 2013

CD 33 - 9 DPO

AF will be here in full force by tomorrow AM, if not sooner. Right now it's just spotting, but that might change since we have 5 hours and 15 minutes until midnight.

Friday, February 15, 2013

CD 26 - 1 DPO

Here's my latest update:

And I am going off of a V-Day O based on OPKs so I am calling this 1 DPO and I am in my 2 WW!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CD 24

Temp: N/A

OPK: Negative

The top one is 3 minutes (you're not supposed to read until after 5 minutes when it's fully done) and then an hour later on the bottom one.

It doesn't look any darker to me then yesterdays. Sigh. Story of my life.

I am having ton of EWCM right now though.

Ugh I want this so bad. Just ovulate already!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CD 23

Temp: N/A

OPK: Negative (almost positive!)

I am SO excited to see the line getting darker! It was getting darker but then CD 21 it went back to being almost negative again. I was so disappointed so I didn't test yesterday. I was not expecting it to be this dark today that's for sure! DTD tonight and hoping I O soon!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

CD 20

Temp: N/A

OPK: Negative

Negative but getting darker!!!! I am so excited! Bring on the O this week! I missed my window to have an October baby which sucks but I'll be due early November so those telling me that I am going to be jinxed into a November birthday because it makes the kids' birthdays January, December, November, bring on the jinxing!!

I picked up more OPKs and HPTs as I said I would. So now I have 9 (well now 8, I peed on one today!) OPKs, 3 CBD, and 11 FRER.

I think I'm set, no?

Friday, February 8, 2013

CD 19

Temp: N/A

OPK: Negative

Had probably the best sex of my life last night. I know you needed to know that!

Excited my OPK is a little darker (sorry it looks weird my camera has a macro setting but only if you set it to the automatic function and that one just decides whether or not you can use macro, you can't force it to ugh!) so that made me happy. I am buying more tonight so we'll see if they keep getting darker. Going to test every day now.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

CD 18

Temp:  N/A

OPK: Negative.

As you can see I have had to take a break from temping.

Honestly I've been trying to brush it off like I wasn't stressing but I was. I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression and starting out this cycle I spent most days crying.

I just feel done. As you can see above my OPKs are almost completely negative so it's not looking like I am going to ovulate any time soon. If at all. I am so freaking tired of this.

The only positive is with my depression comes a lack of appetite and DH has already told me I look like I am losing weight.

I just do not think this is going to be our month.

Think I might get back to temping on Monday just to confirm O hasn't happened yet and maybe catch it. I am not sure yet though. We'll see.

In other news this is pretty cool:

Friday, February 1, 2013

CD 12

Temp: N/A

I didn't temp today. I was pretty depressed and disheartened last night so I stayed up watching TV and then went to sleep on the couch rather then get up and move too close to temp time. I got enough sleep to temp and I was going to until I woke up to see the clock said 6 am, the time DH is supposed to be at work (an hour and 15 minutes after I normally temp) and I freak out, run upstairs, trip and fall and rip the top of my toenail off, burst into the room, and he tells me he goes in at 8 am this morning so he doesn't have to get up yet.

To say I was pissed is an understatement, ESPECIALLY when before when I'd tried to go to sleep after sex while we laid in bed I had checked that the alarm was set for 4:45 right in front of him and he never said a word! So I did not get to temp.

Because I did not get to temp, and because I don't really even need an excuse to want to POAS I took an OPK to make sure I was not near O time.

Definitely negative. Still probably a week off, or more, from O. Which is not surprising but I was really hoping I would O early. So it was a little disappointing.

Mostly I am looking forward to buying more tests when AF comes. It makes me happy having lots of FRER's to pee on.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

CD 11

Temp: 97.42

So I've been having LOTS of cramping. Battling a bad migraine the last few days. It's left me pretty worn down and miserable.

I am not 100% sure my temp is right. It's still about right for my pre-o temps last cycle but when the alarm went off I was so tired and out of it from the migraine and that I grabbed the phone instead of the alarm clock and sat there trying to turn off the alarm and started panicking that I couldn't make it stop and I ended up yelling at DH, "I can't get the alarm to turn off!!!"

And he basically was like you're a moron lol. Isn't he sweet?

So I took my temp after that. I hadn't like gotten up out of bed but I do think I raised my temp by raising my heart rate from the panic lol. So I am calling it valid but won't be surprised if it drops again tomorrow. I am thinking I might take an OPK CD 14 because I have been having a feeling that I will ovulate early this cycle but then I think I should just wait until CD 17 because of course I am not going to ovulate early.

So we'll see how I feel Sunday. If I am having any fertile CM around then. Right now it's pretty much either sticky or creamy but unless it's clear to me I am not going to record it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

CD 10

Temp: 97.05

Honestly I am not feeling it this month. I've already cried a few times. I am feeling disheartened by the whole thing.

I really just want to give up.

I am starting to feel like if this cycle isn't it then I am done. No more temping/tracking. No more trying. Just not going to use any birth control.

Part of me wants to keep temping a few cycle but part of me is just so over this process.

I haven't seen many friends announce pregnancies the last few days but here come the every facebook status is about their pregnancy part. It's hard to see. Especially having decided recently that facebook is not the place for status updates on my uterus and I will not be talking about it there next time. People who need to know will get a phone call or an email from me.

Sigh. Just feeling sad for me, and all my friends trying with me. I just want this to be the month all of us get pregnant!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

CD 9

Temp: 97.22

So, had to mark sleep deprived. The twins both woke up crying at 3 am and while DH took care of them we then got kind of horny and DTD again lol! So had to mark it sleep deprived.

I can't believe I am CD 9 already! AF always feels like it takes FOREVER and then it feels like my cycle just flies after that.

Well, until the 2ww lol.

Just a little over a week until I start using the OPKs!

Monday, January 28, 2013

CD 8

Temp: 96.77

As you can see, no more AF! If my AF can stay like this (ok maybe get a LITTLE lighter) I would be very happy!

I did record creamy today. I have been having a lot of CM but it doesn't feel sticky to me. It feels wet and creamy, so that's what I am putting. I might be way off, but I'm trying.

Fighting the urge to start peeing on some OPKs but I am not buying any more for this cycle so the ones I have are the ones I have and if I start testing too early I will run out before I even O. 

I am really really hoping this is it. Baby fever has been bad and I am just so ready to see those 2 pink lines on an HPT!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

CD 7

Temp: 97.08

Flow: None!

So no spotting or anything so far yet today. That might change because a lot of times I wake up with no spotting or anything and it comes on later in the day. But I am HOPING AF is gone!

Probably will wait until after Monday to DTD but honestly my sex drive is already picking up and I am not sure we will make it past Monday night before we do it lol. I am, like I said, going to start OPKs CD 17. I have a feeling I will O earlier this cycle then last but I figure it won't be super early or anything.

Once more, hoping this is it. DS #1 was 14 months when I conceived the twins and they are 14 months in a few days here. So we'll see!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

CD 6

Temp: 97.28

Flow: Spotting!

Thinking, HOPING, there is a good chance that AF will be completely gone by tomorrow! I am just barely spotting right now.

Now to just hope I can control the urge and not POAS until at LEAST CD 17!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

CD 5

Temp: 97.25 (sleep deprived)

Flow: Light!

Today is my 100th post. Kind of sad that 100 posts in and I am still not pregnant. :(

My flow lightened up a lot today. I am hoping it's gone by CD 7 but we'll see. I'd love it to be gone by tomorrow AM but I am not betting on it. Seems like it's becoming a more "normal for me" AF though. Hoping that's a good sign.

Went shopping last night, picked this up:

I had one OPK and one digital left over from the last few cycles so now my stash has 8 OPKs, 7 FRERs, and 3 Digitals. At the rate my luck is going this should last me 6 months or so. Won't start using an OPK until CD 17 and then based on how light or dark the line is see if I need to wait a few more days or go right into daily.

Of course there was only one cashier and they sent me over to customer service, where the cashier was a pregnant woman about 5 months along and her friend was buying her some onesies and two other cashiers were standing there all talking about her pregnancy and who else was pregnant and had just had a baby. I managed to not start crying until I reach the car. Damn AF.

Damn this whole TTC process.

It lead to a pretty restless night. DH woke a few times and held my hand or put his arm around me and it helped but I got less then 2 hours of sleep so I marked sleep deprived.

Ready for AF to be gone for a good long while.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

CD 4

Temp: 97.25

Flow: Heavy

So I am still marking the flow as heavy but it's much lighter then yesterday and I barely bled during the night so no morning gush which was nice lol.

Fighting off a migraine this morning. Going to buy more HPTs and OPKs tonight but I won't start using the OPKs until CD 18. I am kind of hoping I end up O'ing before that but, not counting on it.

I want this so bad, very relieved to know DH still wants it, happy to be trying, BUT...

I just don't think this will be my month.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

CD 3

Temp: 97.1

Flow: Heavy.

My flow was very very heavy this morning. Woke up and stood up and it all poured out of me. After that though it slowed down a lot. It's still heavy but not soak my clothes gushes like the chemical last cycle. Also not passing big clots like last time. Almost no cramps at all which is nice.

Hoping it's a much shorter AF visit this month and a much earlier O.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Infertility After C-sections

A friend in a VBAC group I am in told me an OB recently said scar tissue (adhesions) after a c-section were the #1 known cause of secondary infertility.

I found a good article I will link here but if you don't want to read the technical talk here is the most important part:

13/204 (6.4%) of women who underwent cesarean section developed secondary infertility compared with 5/224 (2.2%) of those with a vaginal delivery (p0.06).

Those odds are AFTER taking out all women who used birth control, and all woman who'd previously dealt with infertility.

We're talking about going in for testing to see if I have scarring or adhesions or anything from my c-section causing us to be unable to conceive. But for now we'll just continue trying and hopefully it's just my body being stubborn and I will conceive soon.

CD 2

Temp: 97.05

Flow: Heavy.

Talked to DH about trying vs not trying. He said he didn't want to stop trying. He said he'd just been worried HE had been putting too much pressure on ME and stressing me out. But once I explained that I felt better trying, even when cycles failed, then I would not trying at all, he felt better about moving forward.

Right now all we are going to do is temp and I am going to try increasing my folic acid and continue trying to find some vitex. I have some errands to run on Thursday so I will probably do it then if AF isn't too bad.

I just don't even know what else to say at this point. Really at the point where AF doesn't surprise me, but I still get so hopeful and want it so bad every month. I wish I could get to a point where I don't get hopeful but I am not sure that point exists. The fact that I have just 2 cycles left (the one I am currently on and the next one) before the one year mark just makes me so depressed. I never though I'd get this close, I never thought I'd hit a year. And now, I might. It's no longer a far off thing.

It's here.

My heart hurts so much right now. I just want to hide from the world and turn off facebook and everything.

Monday, January 21, 2013

CD 1

Temp: N/A

I started spotting around 1 am. I didn't get much sleep after that so my temp was really high (I was also having bad bad heartburn again and some stomach acid came up while temping) so I am calling that inaccurate and not putting it in.

By the time I got up for the morning I pretty much knew it was over but I was praying it might be implantation spotting with that high temp and maybe it was accurate.

But no. I am definitely having a light flow. AF is here. Giving me a 10 day LP last cycle like normal.

Crushed doesn't even begin to describe it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

CD 37 - 10 DPO

Temp: 97.54

Tons and tons of CM pouring out of me.
Mild nausea.

As you can see I caved and tested. Because yay late, no spotting! So my temp dropped, dropped the day I got a BFP with the twins! So why not?!

BFN. Clearly, 100%, not so much as an evap or indent. BFuckingN.

The cramps have picked up, like I said still no spotting, even after some vigorous sex.

I am just feeling very out right now. DH is feeling very negative about this. Says he can't take seeing me break down like this every month and he's thinking he wants to be done. We talked a little about it but nothing decided yet. I might push through until our 1 year mark and if we're still not pregnant then just stop charting and stop thinking about it.

I hate this.

Expecting AF tonight.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I am officially late.....




CD 36 - 9 DPO

Temp: 97.74

Mild nausea.
Mild heartburn.
Full veiny boobs.
Irritability (probably due to this damn headache).

Still no spotting but I am just not feeling hopeful with that dip. I know it's not a huge one but it's more then I wanted to see. I just can't get past the fear that AF is messing with me and just going to be a few days late.

Can I fast forward to tomorrow morning please?

AF is due tonight.

Friday, January 18, 2013

CD 35 - 8 DPO

Temp: 98

Honestly if I am not pregnant have me committed.
Nausea, so bad I am wearing my seabands and have only been able to keep down crackers today. Gagging over everything.
Heartburn, so bad not even tums is touching it.
Minimal cramping. So far just once today.
DH claims smell sensitivity. I still maintain an animal must have died outside our window last night.

Chart is triphasic. Doesn't always mean pregnancy but I am hopeful.

No spotting at all right now, even after SEX, and trust me I am checking! I am also having these sharp zings on my cervix. Not sure what is up with that. Also still having lots of CM.

Let this be it!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

CD 34 - 7 DPO

Temp: 97.94

Sore boobs/nipples
Nausea (gagging)
Increase in CM
DH says I have super veiny boobs right now

I was excited at first about the temp rise until I opened my mouth about it to a friend and I remembered just how stupid I was being. The rise means nothing, I am not going to be pregnant.

We almost DTD last night but it was late and I needed to temp and then I got bad heartburn when I woke up in the morning so we have a date to do it tonight. Figured not only should we get it in before AF comes but also DTD always brings on spotting when AF is about to show so that will be a nice reminder that I am not in fact going to get pregnant this cycle. No spotting today.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CD 33 - 6 DPO

Temp this morning was 97.58.

Symptoms: Skin break out, sore nipples, heartburn, and lower back ache. Felt some weird cervical twinges last night and then started cramping but the cramping didn't last long and is gone now. All of these are still AF signs for me and last night I was craving chocolate.

My dad sent me chocolate covered almonds for Christmas but I don't like almonds so I was kind of like thanks... but he told me to try them because they are the best thing ever and sure enough, they taste like solid hot chocolate with some crunch in the middle! I am not a big chocolate lover so I can't handle more then 5 or 6 at a time, but they are very very good. Even my husband likes them and he doesn't like chocolate or nuts (are we not made for each other or what? Well except he prefers ice cream and I can't tolerate real ice cream lol).

I took a smaller screen shot today because the pictures were getting too big for my blog and when I resize them they come out blurry (you might have noticed that on yesterday's post).

I just took it from when I started temping. You can refer back to the other charts if you feel like you need another reminder at how freaking long my bleeding was!

Still definitely thinking I ovulated. Even though today's temp is .02 less then yesterdays it's still higher then my highest LP temp (I don't count the ones during AF because they fluctuate with the progesterone levels going down). And really, .02 is not a huge difference from yesterday either. Appears most all my 2/1ww temps are hovering around the same.

I'd still love a nice temp rise though body! Because a little egg is snuggling in, not because you want to be an ass and get my hopes up!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

CD 32 - 5 DPO

 I definitely ovulated!! I was worried maybe I'd had restless sleep and it caused my temp to go up (not getting enough sleep really effects my temps). But I had a BAD, like if I moved I puked (among other gross things) stomach flu yesterday and I was in bed all day, and still slept all night. Probably helped that I kicked my husband out to sleep on the air mattress and had the bed to myself! ;)

Temp this morning was 97.6!

I won't test until I hit 12 DPO (my LP has never been longer then 12 days and lately it's been 8 so I have a good shot at being pregnant if I reach that) so I am officially in the 1WW!

Right now I feel more like AF is coming then anything. I am PMSing pretty bad and DD #1's screeching is driving me to insanity. Let this next one be a boy, PLEASE!

Just kidding, I'll take whatever I can get! Even if that means several girls (but really God, please just one at a time this time, please?)!

I currently have just one FRER and on CBD HPT in the house right now and I don't want to line squint so if the CBD is negative at 12 dpo I won't take another HPT until it is or until AF shows.

Please let this be our month!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

CD 31 - 4 DPO

Temp was 97.8. FF gave me SOLID crosshairs. It seems pretty sure of itself.

We shall see!!

I am too afraid to get hopeful but I'd be very happy if this was really ovulation and I have a real shot this cycle at getting pregnant!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

CD 30

I give up.

Temp 97.62. Don't get excited, I woke up really hot and asked Rob to turn the A/C on so that's probably why it's up a little.

OPK was way more negative then yesterday. It's barely there.

I am so tired of getting my hopes up only to have them come crashing down.

I don't even know what to do anymore. Failing at TTC is having a very negative impact on me right now, I'm becoming more and more depressed as each month goes by.

But not trying won't solve it. I am depressed BECAUSE I am not getting pregnant. I don't want it to be like this but not trying won't change how I feel either. IDK.

Thinking next month I may just write my temps down on paper and not plug them into FF or do CM checks or anything else like that and just try not to think about it. Might even just shut off FB for awhile too so I don't have to see all the pregnancy announcements.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

CD 29

Ok so I did not temp. I had a hard time sleeping last night.

Honestly I am feeling like AF is coming but I decided to take another OPK tonight anyway.

Yay for darker! Maybe I might actually ovulate in a bit here!