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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

CD 5 & The OB

So last night before I went to bed I had a big gush. Again.

I ran to the bathroom where I passed a clot about the size of a rectangular eraser, this if you can't picture it:

I didn't think that was a good thing but I just went to bed and told DH, who was asleep and not listening to me.

This morning I woke up with his alarm to temp. When I was done I rolled from my side to my back and felt a gush. I ran to the bathroom but this one wasn't too bad thank goodness. No need to change my clothes or scrub the bathroom. Then something catches my eye. About a foot and a half in front of the toilet is blood splattered on the wall!!! It is dried, so I know it came from the big clot last night (that thing splattered all over and I thought I had gotten it all).

I call DH in and at this point he is like that's not normal. I am started to be in a lot of pain. Before I passed the clot last night I was having to verbalize through the cramps they got so bad. So he has me call my OB (this is like 6 am at this point). I leave a message. At 6:30 the nurse calls me back and says if I can make it in right at 8 she will see me.

So DH calls his boss and lets him know I need to go to the Dr.

Right before we go I am kind of waffling at this point like do we NEED to go to the Dr because this is cutting into our fun money for mom's visit right now. And I am laying in bed because of the pain and I roll to my stomach and... gush.

I reach down instantly and my hand comes up bloody.

Let me tell you, there was so much blood I just had to throw my underwear away. It was not ever going to come out no matter how I washed it. My hands were covered in blood.

Went to the Dr and long story short, the urine test came up negative so she did the +/- blood test and it came up negative. However she said with all the bleeding I had I most likely have passed everything and to HER, it sounds like I miscarried. She said that that much bleeding is NOT normal for anyone and if it keeps going like this and doesn't lighten up in 24 hours I need to go be seen by the hospital.

I mean telling you I lost 6 cups of blood last night and this morning would be an underestimate. It was a LOT of blood. She offered to do a beta but I declined. More money I don't want to spend. At this point it doesn't matter whether I was or wasn't pregnant. Clearly it's far too late to save anything.

She again pushed me to get on the pill (balance things out) and I again explained that we do not want to use the pill. After last time I am pretty sure she's put me on her, "Tell her to find a new OB list" but whatever.

So that was my morning so far. Going to mark the chart as a suspected miscarriage from last month and just work on getting my LP extended.

Temp today was 96.93.

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